Oct 30, 2012


Looking back at my last entry, it's been a month since I last wrote. Things had been getting pretty crazy over the month and will be getting crazier in next 2 weeks. Just a short note to say I am still alive! ps: I am getting a bit sad and teary to leave my current home, leaving my dream house and going to another unfamiliar place.&nbs...

Oct 1, 2012

Long Overdue Updates

I did a check on my last post and oh my..it was like almost a month ago. Things had been very hectic for the past month with my weekends were fully booked for wedding stuff, buying stuff for the house and getting myself the tittle Mrs just last weekend. Yup, I am officially no longer Ms.Wong. Colleagues and friends asked me how I feel, but honestly, the feeling have not really sink in. Anyway, the next few weeks will be extremely busy as I have...