Jul 31, 2014

Too Much of Murphy's Law

Yup..sudah jatuh ditimpa tangga. I was in such a bad luck the last few days. My hand-phone k.o during my trip to Singapore and came back from the trip, my car tyre pancit. Sigh, and I have plans to go for swimming and need to be cancelled because I don't have a car to drive to work. And my swimming still sucks, not able to move at all and still rely on my papan apung. Luckily my phone is back on after spending RM80 to fix it at one of the handphone shops in One City. Apparently, my phone needs to be re installed with the Samsung software of something....

Jul 5, 2014

Heian Shrine @ Kyoto

We saw from the white board in our hostels saying that the sakura flowers will be full bloom in Heian Shrine and this is the best time to view the flowers in their glory state. As we spend almost half a day in Philosopher's Path and Ginkakuji Temple and admiring all the pretty sakura flowers along the path, we barely had an hour in the shrine. It is free to walk around the shrine but we need to pay around 500 yen to enter the garden which was full...

Jul 1, 2014

From Nothing to Too Many Trips

Gosh.. I just finished booking another 2 trips in less than a week. From initially no travel plans for the rest of the year to four travel plans in the next half of the year and not forgetting two musicals in July and Dec this year. I will be flying off to Singapore for the Raya holidays and for the Sound of Music broadway show which cost me a bomb! Paying in sing dollar is no fun especially the exchange rate is 2.5 times. Sigh, what to do..there is hardly any nice musical/broadway/west end show in Malaysia besides the Mamma Mia musical in December...