Dec 19, 2011

Inkosana Lodge @ Drakensberg, South Africa

This entry is dedicated to the beautiful lodge that Adri, May and I stayed in Drakensberg during the last world cup in South Africa. We drove from Johannesburg to Drakensberg, the highest mountain range in South Africa. We were planning to do some hiking here for a few days before proceeding to Durban. The lodge is located at the Champagne Valley which is about 4 hours from Johannesburg. We booked a 6 bed dorm but since there were only 3 of...

Dec 17, 2011

Dec 7, 2011

Namtso Lake, Tibet

Namtso Lake in Tibet is considered one of the most beautiful lake in China and I totally, absolutely agree to that statement. The lake is sometimes called as the Heavenly lake due to the location of the lake which is way up high in the mountains from Lhasa to Gyantse. Although we were still having a bit of effect from the high altitude, it did not stop us from taking lots of pictures as well as mesmerise by the stunning scenery. However it was...

My Pressie

This by far my most romantic birthday surprise ev...

Dec 6, 2011

An Annual Affair

One of my annual affair or one can say annual 'curse' is having food poisoning. No I am not actually joking but it's been part of my life since the last few years. Every year without failed, I will have food poisoning and with just a few more days to 2012, I thought I could escape the 'curse'. Looks like not. In 2011, I had food poisoning during the treasure hunt. Just one small portion of prawn. On happy note, my team was placed 12th out of the 70 teams. Not bad. In 2010, I had food poisoning while in South Africa during the World Cup. I was...

Chiang Kai-Shek Memorial

The memorial is built in memory of  former President Chiang Kai - Shek. It is situated at the heart of Taipei and easily accesible via the MRT. There's stop named after the memorial and so you cant miss it.    We only managed to visit the memorial on the last day of our Taiwan trip right before our flight back. And we made a right decision to come early in the morning, I think as early as 8am before the truckload of tourists...

Dec 5, 2011

Nov 23, 2011

V & N Wedding

Since I kind of 'signed' a secrecy agreement with my cousin brother not to publish or disclose any of his wedding photos.. so I am just going to upload a few which do not directly disclose his fa...

The Happenings

I realised I havent been updating as frequent as I used to be. Many things had been happening over the last few weeks and seriously I am feeling a bit burn out from work especially. For the first time, I am leading a team and being given such heavy responsibility, I realised that many might not think I am capable to be a good team leader but I know deep down I have tried my best and will prove them wrong. In a week's time, I will be celebrating my final 20s everyone know how old am I now. Do I feel old, panic or...

Nov 16, 2011

Random Kid

Just need to make a disclaimer that she's not my kid. Some random kid attending my cousin brother's wedding recently. Such a cutie and such a pos...

Nov 8, 2011

Fairytale Castles Around the World

Bran castle, Translyvania Romania (the famous Dracula castle) Peles castle, Sinaia Romania What makes castle so intriguing to most people? Perhaps, it is always associated with prince and princess living happily ever after in fairytales. Perhaps, it is the grandeur. Or perhaps, it is the symbol for most ancient cities. Of all the castle I have visited before, Neuschwanstein remains my favourite...

Oct 28, 2011

Punakha Dzong @ Bhutan

Overall view of Punakha Dzong Remember the extragavant wedding between Tony Leung and Carina Lau? And also the grand wedding between the current Bhutan king and his wife? The wedding was held in Punakha Dzong. In Bhutan, dzongs are also known as fortress because they are used to defend the city during war. Punakha Dzong is one of the oldest dzong in Bhutan and located at the confluence of Pho and Mo Chu river which are also known as the male...

Oct 23, 2011

In The Pursuit of Happiness

Druk Air, the only airline which fly into Bhutan Happiness… To some it could mean having lots of money. To some it could mean having a happy and loving family. To some it could mean having a high flying career. But to the Bhutanese, it is more important than the economic development of the country. Bhutan also known as the last Shangri-La, is a small country landlocked between India and China, only recently opened her doors to...