Jun 29, 2012


I wish I can have a dog. I wish I can decorate and manage my own home without interference. I wish I can have my dream house where I don't need to travel 2 hours to work or wake up 6am in the morning to get to work. I wish I can quit my job and do something I enjoy. I wish I can go to Bora-Bora. I wish I can backpack for Trans Siberia. I wish I can cut my hair short. I wish I can have a large wardrobe and shoe cabinet. I wish that everyone stop dictating what and how they want me to be. I wish I can be just who I am. But, sadly these...

Jun 27, 2012


I no longer know how to laugh out loud, I no longer know how to be optimistic, I no longer know how to fight back, I no longer know how to sleep without crying at night, I no longer know who am I ...

Jun 25, 2012

Jun 21, 2012

My Secret Affair with Coach

Seriously I was kind of a late bloomer for this Coach brand and I didn't even own one even though I went to the factory outlet in Las Vegas back in 2007. It was until my friend asked me whether I got myself a Coach bag after I came back, only I did some googling and found out. Apparently, that time in Malaysia, Coach was still considered a very luxury item and there were only a few shops in KL. Then when I went to US again during winter 2008...

Jun 20, 2012

The Famous Potala Palace @ Tibet

After so many depressing posts, I shall resume some of my happy writing on my travels which seem forever  unfinished. I came to know about the closure of Tibet (yet again) after chatting with my tour guide from Nepal. Yes, we still do keep in touch and he told me that Tibet is closed to tourists again this year. But from the latest news I read, it seems like Tibet has been reopened but not to Britain, Norway, Korea and Australia....

Jun 15, 2012

Jun 10, 2012

Wedding Photographer

Caught this couple on camera in Puerto Rico while I was waiting for the sunset. They are actually taking their pre wedding photos and somehow, I love the fact that their expressions seem to be they are in their own world, oblivious to the surrounding and only have eyes for each other. So romantic. Based on this picture, I think I can be at least an amateur wedding photographer..muahahaha..syok sendiri. Just something to lighten up and bring...

Jun 6, 2012


Tired, feeling very tired for the past few months, both physically and mental...

Jun 5, 2012


How many of us are lucky enough to actually love the job that we are doing? I used to love..maybe the love word is too strong, but I used to like my current job, at least I have the passion or the little fire burning inside. But all that had slowly disappear during the last few months and totally vanished after today. My passion for work has gone, zero, in fact has dipped below zero-negative. I cant recall how many times I had been upset over this, teared over this and finally it all gone today. This is not exactly my choice of career....

Jun 4, 2012

Little Things That Make Me Happy

1. When I manage to bargain for a lower price especially during travel or some major expenses. Even a discount of RM10 would make me a happy woman. 2. When someone make Milo for me every morning when I am having my shower. 3. When I can go home early from work and cook myself a nice meal. Sometimes, I even cook 3 dishes even though I was eating alone. 4. When I can sweat out in the gym after running a good few kilometres eventhough I would be much happier if I can shed a few kilos in the process. 5. When I put on my pants or jeans that were...