Aug 28, 2010

FIFA World Cup Match: Argentina vs Mexico (27 June 2010)

If someone now asks me what is my most memorable experience so far .. it got to be watching the match of a lifetime, the world cup in South Africa. One of the major reason why I went for South Africa for my summer holiday this year is to catch the world cup matches. Although I bought my match ticket one year ago, it didnt strike me that I was going to watch the world cup till the match day itself!! I even pinched myself to see whether I was dreaming!!:)The...

Bao Kung

He is named after the famous Justice Bao...

Aug 27, 2010


The title is related to Robben Island, a famous political prison near to Cape Town, South Africa. In fact, it was the first place that we visited when we were in Cape Town. It is also the place where Nelson Mandela and also many of the political prisoners were imprisoned during the apartheid era.A slight history on Robben Island.The name actually means seal island in Dutch and it is 15km away from Cape Town via boat. One needs to book in advance...

Aug 26, 2010


Am tempted to get this lens...but at the moment I am still very satisfied with my kit lens since all of my photos taken using it turn out nice...

Aug 21, 2010


Some of my all time favourite of books which include : 1. Pride of Prejudice by Jane Austen Mr Darcy is definately every girl's first crush!! 2. The Time Traveler's Wife by Audrey Niffenegger Amazing storyline with a twist at the end 3. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban by J.K Rowling The third book is always my favourite 4. PS I Love You by Cecelia Ahern I cried when I read the first letter though subsequently the storyline was not that great 5. The Girl Who Played With Fire by Stieg Larsson Great book by a great

Aug 20, 2010

The Colours of South Africa...

A short post on something related to South Africa. Havent really sorted out the photos for blogging although I had posted most of the nice ones on fb. Somehow I think SA is more colourful that I initially thought so.. Postcard perfect? a onblur="try {parent.deselectBloggerImageGracefully();} catch(e) {}" Dressing rooms along the beach to Simon's town, Cape Peninsula a onblur="try {parent.deselectBloggerImageGracefully();} catch(e) {}" Bo Kaap @ Cape Town, the Malay quarte...

Linlithgow (27 Feb 2009)

This trip was meant for a break between studies. After did some research on the internet, I decided to ask May to accompany me to Linlith gow. May is considered one of my closest friend in uni probably both of us are quite close in terms on age gap. So we went on a little weekend trip to this place which is about 30 mins away from Edinburgh. Plus the town is full of history being the famous Linlithgow Palace which was once home to the famous Queen...