Mar 29, 2013

Dream Home

I was reading about this blogger's entry about her dream home, something she had been planning and dreamt of, for the past few years. Reading her thoughts and looking through her photos brought back good 'ol memories of my own dream home, not my current home but my condo that I bought few years back. I still remember the first moment I set my eyes on my condo, I fall in love. I could already envision how the fully furnished place would turn out to be. When I paid for the deposit, I was nervous but excited at the same time. Finally, I can moved...

Mar 24, 2013

Patan, Kathmandu

During the last Nepal, Tibet, Bhutan trip, we spend three days in Kathmandu as we need 3 days to do our visa for the Tibet trip. On the second day we spend in Patan, a town nearby Kathmandu where it has a huge Durbar square and museum for visit. Patan is also one of the UNESCO World Heritage. I remember we spend quite some time here as the guide probably thought that we were very interested in the history and the carvings. No doubt, it is great...

Mar 23, 2013

THE Shoe

Why blog about my wedding shoe and not the dress? For those who know me well, they will know I am a shoe person. And I have search months for the perfect pair and even have some other shoes as backup until I saw this at Christy Ng. ...

Mar 22, 2013


This is one of the favourite word from my boss in audit but in photography, it's also one of the most important elements. It's interchangeable with composing but what I mean here it's incorporating frames into your picture. I was reading through some photography articles from Flipboard and was inspired to by this article;  "Using Framing in Photography" to blog my experience in using frames to compose my photos. It is not something technical...

Mar 21, 2013

6 Things to Do in Scotland

1. Try Haggis, a traditional Scottish food only available in Scotland and not other parts of the UK. Haggis (photo credit to 2. Watch a Royal Military Tatoo performance. Sadly, this remains one of things I did not manage to do last time as I miss my flight back to Edinburgh from Budapest and thus missed out one of the best show in town. It is usually held in August towards the end of the summer. Military Tatoo held in front...

Mar 20, 2013

Sunset @ Uluwatu, Bali

Since I am on the blogger page, might as well, do another update, a short one. When I told people that I am going to Bali for my honeymoon, everyone told me the sunset over there is gorgeous especially at Tanah Lot. After going both sunset viewing in Tanah Lot and Uluwatu, I still prefer the latter. Probably, when I was there, the weather was better and the sun was up and shinning brightly. ...

Lack of Updates

I think these titles are the most frequent titles I have been using lately, haha. I realised I haven't been blogging for quite some time. Most of my time has been consumed with housework, work, cooking and candy crushing. I couldn't believe I am saying this but this game is really addictive! Been playing it day and night and currently in level 103 and the maximum level is 300+. Oh my gosh, it will take me forever to finish playing it. Must not let myself to be addicted to it. Guess for now, the most updates are my food photos in Instagram. I don't...