Mar 29, 2010

Avignon, France (14 May 2009)

Our next stop is Avignon, a nice sleepy town on the way to the Spanish border. I decided to stop over here after seeing the Palais of Pope in the internet and it looks grand. At first glance, the whole town seem to exists only due to the Palais which indeed is very very grand. It was so huge and was the major attraction. We went to the counter to get our tickets and there was this cute French guy with the bluest eyes I ever seen serving on...

Monaco (13 May 2009)

a onblur="try {parent.deselectBloggerImageGracefully();} catch(e) {}" The circuit a onblur="try {parent.deselectBloggerImageGracefully();} catch(e) {}" the F1 Grand Prix grandstand a onblur="try {parent.deselectBloggerImageGracefully();} catch(e) {}" where the F1 cars rest Monaco is known as one of the most expensive and smallest country in the world. To me , Monaco always been famous for the street F1 racing and that is one of the reason of me going there. Although the country is small, it was actually tiring to cover on foot plus the city...

Provence, France (12-14 May 2009)

a onblur="try {parent.deselectBloggerImageGracefully();} catch(e) {}" Provence or southern France has always been on my list of 'to travel' places since it's famous for lavender as well as that's where Cannes and Nice (pronounce as niece) are located. This time around I travel with a classmate from my major and we went right after our final exam in May. There was suppose to be a friend joining us from Malaysia but she kind of ffk after hearing lots and lots and lots of stories on H1N1 which coincidentally started to spread around in April. a onblur="try...

Mar 16, 2010

Copenhagen, Denmark (17-20 April 2009)

Nyhavn A weekend hopover trip to Copenhagen when my final exam is just a week away. Travelling is too tempting to forgo especially after I gotten my DSLR which is my dream toy, Canon EOS 450D. Plus I told myself that I would spend only 30% on studying and the rest for even if it's final exam in a week's time, I couldn't pass this opportunity to travel to my second Scandinavian country.   Nyhavn at sunset   From...

A Year Has Passed

Can't imagine that I am already completed my mission of conquering the world (or at least Europe) and back to reality.For the past 1 year in UK studying for my masters, I managed to travel to 17 countries which a great achievement plus I still end up with a Distinction..ok I am a bit masuk bakul angkat sendiri here..amongst the places that I went to includes Peru (Machu Picchu is amazing, beyond description of words), Jordan (seeing Petra was a childhood dream come true- it's all because of Indiana Jones), Turkey (who wouldnt fall for the delicious...