view from my hotel room
Treasure hunt has been an annual affair for my bank for the pass few years. I still remembered the first treasure hunt that I went for, my team got a third placing :) It has been 2 years since I last had my treasure hunt and hence when this time the hunt was all the way to Melaka, it was simply too irrestible to pass on.
This time my team comprised all girls and we gave the name of our team as Chicas Superpoderosas which in Spanish means Power Puff Girls ..XD It was fun to be reunited with the past members as well as bullying my new young fresh colleague to be our driver...hehe
We were flagged off around 830 am and hunt all the way from KL to Melaka passing by my hometown in Seremban. This time around, we were not that gungho to look for clues and answers as the weather was too hot to bear and I guess we were too old for this kind of hunt. Somehow, we managed to finish on time. As we were driving to Renaissance Hotel in Melaka, we decided to swing by Jonker street for some cold sweet cendol and to our surprise, we were not the only team who had such thought! Practically, every corner in Jonker street was full of hunters hunting for food and drinks.

our driver
The next day, we loitered around Melaka town for some shooting and makan before driving back to KL.

inside the orang utan shop

nyonya laksa

A Famosa

We had the famous chicken rice ball in this less crowded shop A Famosa chicken rice ball. The interior of the shop is perfect for photography, full of nyonya character though the food was only so so. The following photos were taken inside of the shop.

Then we headed to the famous Donald and Lily Cendol for their cooling cendol with gula melaka. Highly recommended as the shop is located at a corner and quite hidden from the rest of the tourists in Jonker street.

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