Apr 30, 2010

Jungfrauhoch (29 May 2009)

almost thereTop of Europe.. the view along the whole journey is super super beautiful. Even words could not describe my feelings when I was travelling up to the top. The train ticket to the top is super expensive costing bout 160 CHF (I travelled from Bern) which is like more than RM 300 bucks...and me being a very kiasu Malaysian girl decided to take the second earliest train from Bern to maximise my time up there. So there I dump my travelmate...

Shoes shoes shoes

view from my heels..very super mo liuI have always been a shoe person ever since...My collection of shoes expand when I started working. You see, when I work I have cash, with extra cash I bought extra shoes which I think I have probably 5 of the same colour. Fiddling with my camera yesterday and decided to shoot some shoes collectionmy super high heels from Charles & Keithmy favourites i forgotten about these two pairs until yesterdaymy collection...